Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Fun

We got our pool out a couple of weeks ago for the first time and had a blast! This was Harper's first experience with our mini "aquatic center".

She liked it okay.

Until she got caught in the middle of the splashes.

And then she was outta there.

We had a lovely weekend up in Minnesota with RJ's family. We haven't all been together in 1 1/2 years! Henry and Harper had so much fun with all our his cousins and us adults had fun playing games and laughing at the kids.
(pictures to come)

I know this is probably silly, but I have a new love for watermelon.
My sister-in-law showed me a new way to cut it, and seriously it's just the most genius idea ever.
Am I the only one who's never seen this before??

Cut the watermelon in half, and then keep cutting all the way across:

Turn the cutting board, cut in half, and again, cut all the way across.

Viola! Matchstick watermelon! It's still messy, but not quite as messy.
And something about it makes it taste even better. If that's even possible.
If you get over to Target, they are $2.99 right now for a whole watermelon.

I'm considering some ch-ch-ch-changes with my blog.
Stay tuned.

Hope you are all having a loverly Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Cute water babies!
    Ingenious watermelon cutting trick!
    I miss you!
