Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ponytails and Steps

I got Harper's hair in a pony tail for the first time yesterday. And my, oh my!, was it cute.

We've had a busy couple of weeks over here. I had the privilege of doing a lot of the decorations for our VBS so the kids spent a lot of time at church playing, taking naps, and at home with their daddy while I painted, painted, painted. It ended up being a lot of fun and in a way I miss having that alone time to paint. It was nice. VBS started yesterday and Henry is having a blast. Poor Harper starts crying a little sooner every day when she sees the nursery, but once I leave she does well. Or so they tell me.

In other news: Harper is getting better and better at walking! She's almost losing her last bit of baby-ness and it makes me sad, but it's so fun watching her grow.
And practice!

We've had lots of fun, busy days this past week. The kids are worn out...and I'm hoping they'll be taking a looooong nap.
 Fingers crossed.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh, Harper is adorable!!! She really does smile so sweetly when I peak my head into the nursery!
    I see Harper growing up so quickly, but goodness, I can hear Henry growing! He talks to me like such a cute little man! I love it!

  2. So ADORABLE!!! her ponytail and her steps. She does have the cutest smiles!

  3. Why do our kids have to grow so quickly? I heard Henry chatting up Londa on Sunday - such a little man. And Harper's ponytail = Precious.

  4. I love, love, love her little ponytail. Her hair is such a pretty color!! Can't wait to see her walk. xoxoxo

  5. Love her little pony tail! Ahh! Seriously you people with daughters have got to knock off all the cuteness I'm trying abstinence from pregnancy.....and this. is. not. helping.

  6. Ohhh...love that little ponytail! Such a sweet girl you have!
