Monday, June 7, 2010

Race Day

RJ ran the Dam to Dam race on Saturday.We liked calling it the Dang'it to Dang'it.  It started off to be a really rainy day so I didn't think the kids and I would go see him, but it cleared up and we made it! My 3 runners made me so proud.

 We had signed the kids up for little races too. It was so cute. Henry was very excited about his *new "running" shoes.
*garage sale, of course

Showing off his sweet tattoo.

Speaking of, how do you ge these things off? Harper wore a pretty little dress yesterday and sported the tattoo on her little arm.

I'm really not digging this photo of me. (Hello double chin... and triple chin)
But we met up with a friend of mine who has a little girl a couple of weeks older than Harper. They "ran" too. Question: Harper's hair is totally like mine right? Because somtimes it's just brown. But other times it's so very strawberry blond. What do you think?

Hope you are all having a good Monday!!


  1. LOVE IT! Special memories and awesome pictures. Henry is ALL BOY!

  2. So cute! I think Harper totally has your hair--especially in the sun!
    CUTE brown shirt, too! I need to just hire you as my personal shopper so I can look cute like you!
    Yes, *cute* is my word of the day!

  3. Oh, silly. You look cute in that picture! And I definitely think Harper has your hair color - lucky girl! How fun that the kids got to participate too! Oh, and good job, RJ!
