Monday, July 26, 2010


A Monday after a getaway. Always a little rough!
RJ and I left right away Friday morning after dropping the kids off at their aunt and uncle's house and 
 went to Minneapolis! We had actually thought about going somewhere different for once, but it's so nice to go somewhere and know your way around.
Uptown, lunch on a rooftop, Edina Theatre, Edina Creamery, shopping, Loring Park, dinner outside, coffee shop downtown, H&M, IKEA (a fun new purchase!), pizza in Ames, and back home by Saturday afternoon. It was quick, but OH, so good.
To much relief of RJ's, I did NOT bring my camera. It was nice not to worry about snapping pictures, but makes for a boring post....
When we got back home, R&J insisted they keep the children one more night, so we got to go on another date Saturday to The Fleur. 2 movies in 1 weekend. We're getting crazy in our old age!
The kids had a blast, we had a blast, it was all around good.

Here's to a good Monday.
More exciting posts to come!


  1. H&M, oh how we need one in Des Moines. I would have bought the place out this weekend had I not been pregnant. Glad you had a fun weekend!

  2. What a fun time! Both of those restaurants look super yummy! Isn't it such a luxury to dine without cleaning up messes the whole time? Glad you had such a fun getaway!

  3. Wow--that's a whirl wind of excitement! Cody has the same feelings about cameras...silly boys!
    I'm so glad you had such a great getaway!!! Can't wait to see your new Ikea purchase!
