Thursday, July 22, 2010

some random for your thursday

Random #1
I'm doing some fun projects for a baby shower this weekend. I'm going with a cartoon/superhero
theme since I already have a lot on hand that I can use and not spend much money.
That's my kind of baby shower-decorating!!

These will the centerpieces:

After I was completely done with them, I asked RJ his opinion.
 He looked at them and said, "his name is going to be Titus Wayne?"
Holy Canoli. Here I thought I was just doing something cute and turns out I was being clever too.
Seriously, how could I have missed this?

Random #2
After months and months of being very curious, I'm going to give this a try:

My friend is so full of healthy recipes and I can't wait to try it out.
What should I bake first??

Random #3
My hubby is taking me away for a day to one of my favorite places in the Midwest.
{opposite of down}-{starts with a T and rhymes with clown}
I can't wait! We haven't been on a date in loooong time. Seriously, way too long.
I can not wait!!

Well, I guess that wasn't very many randoms, but it's all I got.
I hope you all have a lovely Thursday!