Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rainy Day Projects

I have to say that I enjoyed yesterday being a gloomy, rainy day...especially after all that heat!
And now that it looks like the rest of the week is going to be fairly rainy and gloomy, I've officially declared this week to be "Project Week"!
Day #1
The kids and I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday morning and picked out some fabric to recover my lamp shades. I had gotten a new lamp at a garage sale on Saturday (for $2), but the shade I had for it didn't match. Of course buying a new shade would be too easy, right? And this way I could make it much cuter.

I didn't take a before pictures, but here's the after:
(light on)
(light off)

It was a pretty big pain to do, but I'm lovin' the results. The second the kids went down for their naps I worked like a mad woman to get it done. It's such a cheap way to change things up in a room! Fabric was 30% off and so was the trim. Throw in a hot glue gun and you've got everything you need. Also throw in that funky bird for $1.80 at HobLob and you're really set!

Lamp #2:

I really loved this fabric too, but thought I should keep that kind of pattern to a smaller shade. I'm lovin' it too! Now I have one more little shade I need to change in the room but not sure which one I should do or if I should get a plain fabric so things don't get too crazy.

Next Project:
Changing my picture wall!
This one will probably take the rest of the month, but it's a good week to get it started!

And since the kids took super good naps, I was able to make some yummy oven baked falafels.
Not really looking forward the day when my kids don't nap....

Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday!


  1. WOW! I love those lamp shades A LOT!!! And the falafels...recipe and instructions PLEASE! :)
    I'm feeling slightly inspired...we have a super old amazing lamp in our basement that needs some TLC. I should take the plunge!

  2. Ok, love the lamps, I am obsessed with paisley! And I LOVE falafel!!! Get it when ever I can! Is it easy to make???
