Monday, August 9, 2010

Thee Weekend

We had a great, full weekend!
Starting off the fun we went to our friend's lake house.
Friday was such a gorgeous day. Sunny, but not too hot.
We spent the day lounging in the sun, riding the boat, and playing with all their toys.
Henry was really brave this year so it made it even more fun!

Harper was a little too brave.
She kept reaching over the edge of the kayak to touch the water and would stand up.
I'm sure she would have tried to jump in.
SO different from Henry boy.

It was so hilarious to watch them on the trampoline. Henry did really well and Harper could barely stay up for more than 2 seconds but kept getting right back up.
( I know, I can't believe we didn't have her life jacket on!)

Saturday we went up to celebrate RJ's grandpa's 81st birthday. It was a really nice party and so good to see everyone.
Sunday we met up with my sister and her family and ate lunch and went shopping.
It was a fun weekend full of fun family!

Now we're back to a normal ol' week.
Hope you all had a great weekend and are enjoying this day!


  1. What a fun weekend! And a great one to be in the water. Glad you guys had a good time!

  2. You've got *good connections*! So glad you could enjoy time at the lake!
    (My heart did momentarily stop when you pointed out Harper didn't have on a life jacket...I think I need mom-freak medicine!)
