Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well, fine....I suppose I will blog this week. I know you all are just dying to know what we've been up to, right? Besides all the crying and screaming, things are going great! Really, I can not wait for the day my children get along instead of fighting all day long. The other day I was getting supper ready and had 10 minutes of quiet. They were in the same room. Playing close to one another. And not screaming. It was practically miraculous!!
I'm taking Henry on a date tonight. Just mommy and boy. He's had a rough week and I'm wondering if he just needs some alone time. I'm looking forward to it!

So, in honor of our almost 5 year anniversary of living here, I'm going to show off our "new" dining room. Finally, after 5 years this place is becoming how I want it. We're slow movers. Or is it more that I change things around too much?
So here she is:

We got this table for super cheap at IKEA. The chairs were so cheap we got 8 of them and just keep our 4 at a time. This is the first dining room set we've picked out since we've been married.
 Hand-me-downs...see ya!

I didn't take a before picture, but we rearranged the room for the first time since we first lugged in our absolutely beautiful buffet. It gives us so much more space!

If you peek in the corner you can see the chair and table. I plan on recovering the chair and painting it. Suggestions? I don't want both the table AND chair to be black, but not sure what to do. And I repainted my mirror/frame combo and got new fabric for it. When I bought it, they were both white. Then I painted them black. Now they're white again. When I was done I wondered if I should have just left them black. Then I shut my mouth.

I painted these fruit paintings years ago and never hung them. Now they have a perfect spot!

if I turn exactly 180 degrees, I see this:

Woah. I can't believe I just showed you that.
It's for real, people.

So I have some more rearranging and painting to do, but it's been really fun.
Just took 5 years to get there!
Our house will turn the big 1-0-0 in 2011.
You know I'm throwing a party.
You know it will require costumes.
You know it will be full of fun foods.
You know I can't wait!

**Henry story**
"Is daddy going to work?"
"do you have to go to work?"
"no, I get to stay home with you!"
"but sometimes you work and go shopping."



  1. love it! i wish i just had a tiny bit of creativity that you have!

    and my living room looks pretty similar right this second...i dream of a toy room someday!

  2. Absolutely beautiful, Abby! I love your house!

  3. I love it! Let me just parrot what everyone else has said -- you're so creative and your house is gorgeous!

    And I actually don't think your living room looks that messy -- I've seen worse :)

  4. love it! can't believe your house has it's 100th birthday...pretty sure our little house has about .0005% of your house's character :)

    :) angie

  5. Party? Party? Did you say PARTY?! Oh, I can't wait!!! I'll start planning my costume now! That is, if I'm invited of course...

    And your dining room looks AMAZING! Seriously. I think I should hire you to come and rearrange over here. My house could use your creative touch! And seriously - your living room looked FUN. Made me want to come and play! :)
