Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer 2010

Summer 2010.
See ya!
We had a really nice summer but we are so ready for fall. 

Our Labor Day weekend was good. 
The walk and fundraiser on Saturday were awesome.
Our trip out to the lake house Saturday night was a lot of fun. 
RJ's brother and family were there so we had a big seafood boil full of shrimp, scallops and mussels. I have no desire to even try a mussel, but little Henry ate about 10. He loved them! 
We sat out by the fire and did S'mores and chatted and it was really fun.

Sunday was super windy and super stressful trying to keep Harper from taking her own life. I was super crabby and really wanted to go home. It just wasn't as amazing as it was supposed to be. Last year Harper couldn't even crawl yet, next year she'll be more independent, but this year? She's just too crazy right now. No fear + multi-leveled patio + water = Not so much fun.
Once we got home we had a really nice night and then our Labor Day was great and relaxing.
So remember how I gave up pop? I'm sure you're all keeping track of all these interesting details of my life, right? Well, I started drinking pop late June and kind of kept doing it. I couldn't stop. So I went about 6 months and then had my last one yesterday again until 2011. There. If I write it, it will happen! Plus, I'm hoping it will help me get rid of my "summer 5". Why do I gain weight in the summer? Shouldn't it be opposite? Technically I'd gain 3, lose 2, gain 1, lose 2, gain 5, lose 3, etc, etc, etc.
No more. Summer is over. Time to shed. My goal is set. Here we go.
(well, hopefully anyways.)

 Summer 2010, you were good!
See ya next year!


  1. Glad you had a good weekend. Sorry Harper is so fearless. That does make for a stressful time. I had no idea you'd "slipped" on your no-pop thing. But hey, 6 months is still pretty amazing if you ask me!

  2. I know exactly what you mean about Harper's age and the stress. I don't want to take Kinsley anywhere right now - so annoying! She also has no fear, and we were at the lake on Monday and she just wanted to run into the water, and had to be restrained the whole time. This is the toughest age!

  3. I bet Henry was so cute eating mussels! I don't think I could try them either! The rest sounds awesome!
    This is the first summer that the boys haven't about killed me with their fearless, reckless living on a beach! Do you think Harper will be a dare-devil for life?
    6 months with no pop is absolutely amazing! You don't look like you've gained anything though!!!
