Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So I kind of just re-did my bedroom, but a couple of months ago I decided it was too dark. It was a $5 gallon so I didn't feel too bad painting over it. 
I mixed about 5 other colors together that I already had and ended up with this:

I put our old curtains back up since I had put our dark ones in Henry's room. It's so much lighter! Don't mind my messy dresser and that there is my sewing machine from my mother-in-law that needs to find it's way to my "craft room" in the basement. 

Today is going to be gorgeous. Enjoy!!


  1. I love the color! I would love to go lighter in our bedroom, but not sure it fly! I might have to show this picture for some inspiration! Beautiful!

  2. That is a beautiful color! It looks so light and cheery. And when are we going to get a peek at your basement?!

  3. I love the color! It is so beautiful.

  4. The bedroom looks really good and relaxin!
