Thursday, September 16, 2010


I've loved spending my "free time" (aka: nap time) down in the basement working on my latest project. It's so quiet.
I've had fun trying some new and funky styles out. I figure what better place to try something different than a nursery full of un-opinionated babies?

I had a really bad couple of days with my Henry boy. It was just a constant struggle and one of those days where you feel like all you do is discipline, talk not-so-nicely, pull your hair out, and cry. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. The last couple of days have been better, but there is still a lot we're working on. Because of all this, I am even more excited that my man asked me out on a date tonight!! I am so ready for a night out!
My Harper girl has been a little more dramatic and crabby than usual and then started breathing funny yesterday. Brought her in today and she has an ear infection, needs a nebulizer, and steroids. Poor babe! now I feel bad for making her cry in her crib yesterday because she wouldn't fall asleep. I felt bad enough that I bought her a new purse when I was waiting for her medicine. She's sick. She needs a purse! :This may also explain her super short naps lately because this afternoon they've both been sleeping for 2 hours now. Ahhhhhhh........

Hope you are all enjoying your Thursdays!


  1. I totally need to steal some of your crafty genes...I have none!

  2. I love that painting!!!
    Hope Harper feels better soon! Poor little girl!

  3. Love that painting! Very fresh and cute. I'm sure the babies will love it! Poor little Harper! I know how you feel about letting her cry - I once let Addie "cry it out" when she was about 9 months old and then finally went up when her crying didn't subside and her chubby little thigh was stuck in her crib slats! Poor thing! I felt AWFUL! Luckily, she didn't remember it and I'm pretty sure she still loves me. :)

    Have fun on your date night!

  4. Olivia really likes your painting. I do too. Hope your Friday is better and you had a wonderful relaxing evening with your man last night.

  5. this is so fun! and hope Harper is feeling back to her sassy self soon!
