Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Space

Well, I wish it looked more like this:

But being in a dark basement and trying not to spend much money, I'm perfectly pleased with this:

Those are a couple of shower curtains I got on clearance at Target to cover up some ugly metal storage shelves. The rest of the stuff is just a hodgepodge of things we already had.

An old dresser to hold all my old canvases that are waiting to be painted on or over.

Drawers in dresser to store all my goodies.

My old, not-so-cute-yet-just-fine, desk.

With containers for my ribbon.

(I love sharpies)

And scissors. I also got that cute little board at a garage sale for $.50 for my inspirations/project work list. If you've ever ordered something from me before, you've probably (unfortunately) noticed it takes me anywhere from a few weeks to a few years to get things done. Hopefully this helps keep more more organized and on task.

And this here is the easel that RJ made me:

Yes. I know. He made me an easel. It was for the Christmas after we got engaged. How sweet!?!
It's a really large easel though so I have never been able to use it much...until now! That large and in charge canvas on it is my current project for a church nursery. Should be fun!

So there she is. Not perfect, but man, I really wish I would have taken some before pictures. Let's just say you could pretty much walk your way to the washer and dryer....and that's it. It feels so good to have it cleaned out and be a useful space! When we first started it I didn't think there was any way I'd actually sit down here and work, but guess where I am right now.
I love it.

I totally dropped my camera on the way downstairs, which explains the funny "effect" my pictures have. Kind of a bummer.

Hope you are all having a great Tuesday! We are having a much better day today.
I nearly went cri-zay yesterday.


  1. your space looks fantastic, abby! i love that rj MADE you an easel...sweet, sweet, sweet. we have great husbands :)

  2. Wow! That looks awesome! You so deserve a great space like that! I bet you just love crafting down there now. And great work on the easel, RJ! That's very cool.

  3. I love your artsy space! I agree--you totally deserve a beautiful workplace for all the beautiful things you are constantly turning out for others!
    The easel...well played, RJ!

  4. Basement looks great! I love creating new spaces in my house!
