Friday, October 1, 2010

Puuuuumpkin Patch

This has some major photos...but this one's for me. When I'm stuck inside this winter on a snowy day, I'm gonna look back at these photos and be happy.

We went to my very favorite pumpkin patch today: Center Grove Orchard.
I've actually only been there twice now, but that's enough for me!
I felt my little miss should dress appropriately in adorable fall colors with a fancy new bow. Of course she had other ideas, but it was cute while it lasted.

Henry was very excited to dress like a cowboy. He was running around all morning SO excited and shouting things like "howdy partner!", "giddy up!".

He ran to the entrance.
Kind of tricky in boots.

First things first. The pillow-jumpy-thingy. It looked like so much fun! Harper didn't like it, but Henry loooooved it.

He also loved the amazingly fun and long slide.

AND the maze.
Seriously, he was say "come on, guys!" and running from one thing to the next.

Playing farmer.

Feeding animals.

And the absolute cutest thing I've seen in my life.
Alice in Wonderland's Tea Party!
I Harper was so excited.

Such a cute spot for a photo, but she would NOT look at me.

Seriously, look at this!!
I'm so doing this for her birthday party some year.
(or every year.)
(or for me.)

There are so many cute things to explore.

The 3 little pigs. 
Straw house:

Brick House:

Stick House:

It was also pretty funny when we realized Henry had locked a couple of (rather obnoxious) boys inside one of the houses.  :)

My sweet little pumpkin:

Both of my sweet little pumpkins:

It was just one of those days. One of those perfect days as a family.
The weather was absolutely beautiful. We got along. Laughed. Played.
It Was Great.

I Am Happy.


  1. LOVELY time and pictures! You are blessed with some amazing looking kids!!!

  2. What a fun day! Now I really can't wait to get out there! You guys did a lot more than what we did there last year. I LOVE the Mad Hatter table. And I might have to steal that as a party theme someday too. :) Your kids are adorable. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. I love this! Harper and Henry are so stinkin' cute! We are definitely going to have to take a trip there--it looks like it's worth the price!
    **Cool piece of info: one of the new guys at our church and in our Acts group drives bulldozers and was telling us last week how he dozed ground to make some of the huge slides at area pumpkin patches. He'll give our kids rides in dozers sometime!!! (He's super nice and I'd totally trust him with the boys!)

  4. Your kiddos are so cute:) We had a great time when we went there too. Good work out of Henry. Gotta keep those kids in line!

  5. LOVE Center Grove! We just went there on Saturday. So much fun! Lily's favorite thing were the little houses. We had to drag her away!
