Monday, October 4, 2010

Whatta Weekend

We had such a good family weekend.
The orchard on Friday.
2 family walks on Saturday.
Church on Sunday morning.
Then a sack lunch in the car while we went on a Farm Crawl.
We made it to 4 of the farms and sampled some yummy feta, goat cheese, root beer, and bought some pumpkins and butternut squash. My favorite farm was The Blue Gate Farm.
It was so fun! And since we were in driving around in the Southern part of the state, we decided to take a little detour to the little town RJ spent a few years of his life in, called Russell. It's fun being able to see all of his old houses!

I also lost my cell phone over the weekend.

I also found a vacuum on the side of the road and you know I picked it up. In fact, I walked it a block to my house.
Seriously. I walked a vacuum to my house. I carried it like a baby for a bit and then pushed it for a while. It's a big one.
We really needed a new vacuum and I am NOT above taking something with a sign that says
"Free or Goodwill".

I think Henry and Harper will be a 50's "Grease" style couple for Halloween. Can't wait
to get started on those projects!

I've got a few painting orders to finish up this week and next and then I'm takin' a break and doing some things around the house again. I've been neglecting it a bit lately.

Hope you all have a lovely week!!


  1. I am glad you loved the farms. That sounded like a lot of fun. I have been to Russell a few times. They were in our conference.

  2. Bummer about your cell phone.

    Awesome about the vacuum and the Farm Crawl.

    And I can't wait to see picture of your cute little 50's couple!! What a fabulous idea!
