Thursday, November 4, 2010


I love collage art and collages on walls.
I've had this collage wall for a long time and I've always loved it.
Buuuut, I was ready for a change.

I wanted it to have a lighter feel and for everything to be a little more snug.
If you are fortunate enough to have plaster walls, you know that where you want to hang a picture and where you can actually get a nail into the wall are two completely different things. So completely different in fact, that when it comes to hanging things on the wall, 99% of the time it ends in me screaming. Thankfully this time, I only have about 7 nail holes that I'll need to fill in because the nail wouldn't work. Seriously, what is up with plaster walls?!

so I painted a few frames, went around the house and in my craft stash in the basement and found some "new" things, and even took a wreath from my Christmas stash. 
20 glue sticks later, this is what I came up with:

It helps to arrange on the floor and then once you get it on the wall, you can add more or less to balance things out:

I'm really enjoying the fresh, new look! 
And I spent:
(well, obviously at some point I spent money on the pieces, but not now. And I'm pretty sure 90% of it was $1 or less....except for the awesome painting from a friend)

I've also wanted to do some silhouettes for a long time now and finally did it.
I was able to get some good photos of my children's profile (tricky!), then using editing software I blackened out the background, then took some tracing paper and carefully put it up to the computer screen and traced it with a marker.
I'm really into proper protocol, can't you tell?
Well that, and we don't currently have a printer.
Then I cut the silhouettes out and traced that onto this cool board I got at a garage sale once and painted it in.

And that is all. I've been doing lots of fun little projects around the house....maybe I'll share some more later. For now, I've got a ton to do.

Happy Thursday!!


  1. Love the collage - very fresh! And I especially love the silhouettes! I've been wanting to do that too, but just didn't know how! I thought I'd have to have a huge spotlight or something (that's how I had it done in school one time...) But now I'll just do it the scrappy way like you! :)

  2. Wow did the comment before call you crappy. That girl I tell ya....Oh wait she said scrappy:) Well I pushed her at church yesterday she said something mean today! Just kidding:) I l.o.v.e the silhouettes and the bird picture. I know I had a chance to make one at mops and never did:( The new collage looks great! Can you just come to my house now?!

  3. Love your new collage wall! You have such a good eye! The silhouettes are super cute, too!

  4. I agree with Londa, you have such a good eye! The silhouttes are awesome!
