Monday, November 1, 2010

The Weekend

It felt like such a long weekend for once. Don't you love it when that happens?!
I started off the weekend by baking my man his favorite caramel rolls (his grandma's recipe)
They are so good and actually really fun to make. Each time I try them, it gets a little easier and turn out better. Henry  loves helping me in the kitchen so I let him do all the measuring. 
Here they are all rolled out and ready to get baked. Look at all that cinnamony-swirled-goodness!

And here's the outcome:

I actually like mine best warm with peanut butter on top. It's soooo good. Really, peanut butter makes everything better. Ever had peanut butter on your pancakes? Do it. NOW.
These rolls are so special. They are guaranteed to be at every family function made lovingly by his grandma. They are the best!

Then Saturday night we geared up the kids for trick or treating. We were going to hang out and hand out candy for a bit, but weren't getting any traffic, so we headed out ourselves. Turns out our street is a bunch of party poopers. There was only one house handing out candy!
Then we walked up a couple of blocks and the place was lit up and there were people everywhere. It was so fun! And what a gorgeous night to be outside, huh?

Sunday morning RJ ran a 5k so the kids and I, and their buddies Dane and Caedman cheered them on.
 I told Henry this was the last day he'd be able to wear his costume  out and about so he totally took me up on the offer.

Here's Henry telling his daddy that he did a great job!

And no race is complete without celebrating at Jethro's afterwards. It was gooo-oood.

This week we'll be getting ready for our Party of the Century we're throwing this weekend. It's in honor of our house being (almost) the big 1-0-0.  It's going to be stellar. I can't wait!!

Happy Monday!


  1. Those roles look delicious!!!
    I think Henry in that costume is about the cutest thing I've ever seen!
    Glad you had a great weekend! We're looking forward to the PAR-TAYYY!!!

  2. Ok, first of all, having a Party of the Century? Such afun idea!

    Second, those rolls look AMAZING!

    Third, you are the fourth person who has mentioned Jethro's to us in the past 2 weeks...I'm thinking Dave and I need to check this place out!

  3. The rolls look amazinly good! Sometime we will have to have lunch at Jethros. I want to see what all the hubbub is about, and I can't get Sean to go.

  4. On the rolls - Yum yum, give me some.

    On the trick-or-treating - Our old neighborhood only had 4 houses in a 5 block radius that would hand out candy! Now where we live, it's like a traffic jam of kids up and down the sidewalks. Ca-razy!

    On the 5K - Kudos to RJ! And I really think Henry should get to wear his costume Wednesday night too, don't ya think? :)

    On Jethro's - I totally can't believe I haven't been there yet. Maybe I'm just not cool enough.

  5. Yum, those rolls look awesome!! And I'm with everyone else who has commented here....we need to try Jethro's! I keep hearing things about it all over the place! =) Adorable kids, adorable costumes!
