Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I had the day off from Biaggi's and woke up with determination to get my pants to the dry cleaner's. I only had one pair of nice work pants and they were dry clean only, so I was running there a lot. I practically went in my pajamas thinking I would see no one I knew, and after all, I was only 22. Who cared? I got back to the apartment (I lived with my bf Alisa), walked in, and there was RJ. In my apartment. Bright and early in the morning. There were a bunch of roses on the table and he had brought over an assortment of breakfast foods. So sweet! I figured he had the day off for some reason and we'd get to hang out. (He had a job laying carpet for the summer and got random days off every now and then) Then he had me sit down on the couch and he had some gifts for me . One was some soap. Interesting.... He put the soap in a bowl and washed my feet and told me how he had plans to always serve me. How awesome?! My next gift was a bottle of silver nail polish and he painted my toe nails. Seriously! He was just the best. Then.....all of a sudden he got on one knee (I don't know how, but I seriously did not see this coming....) prayed for us, and then asked if I would be his wife. WOAH. Of course I said yes, and cried, and kissed him, and cried, and squealed, and looked at my ring. :)

It's so fun to think back to that day. It was 8 yrs ago this past August 1st. And tomorrow is our 10 year anniversary of our very first date. Where it allllll started. We're going out on a date tomorrow night (thanks to a good coupon, of course!) and I can't wait.

I just love him.

and I'll probably have to delete this once he reads it, so enjoy! :)


  1. Love it!!! You guys are so super cool and fun:)

  2. I remember you guys heading off to The Nutcracker and thinking, "please-oh-please-oh-please!" and you coming back, smiling from ear-to-ear. It's been fun to watch your story from the start!

  3. Thanks for turning on the water-works. Silly prego emotions coupled with such a sweet story! I think you and RJ make the perfect couple! I can't wait to be around when you celebrate 50 more years together!

  4. Oh, I'm so glad I got on here before you deleted it! What a cute story! Thanks for giving me this big grin this morning. ;)
