Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

What a lovely Christmas!!
We had our little family Christmas Thursday morning.
The kids had so much fun opening presents from us and each other. 
And I was surprised with a present that said "you get a juicer!" 
(which we bought a couple of days ago. I'm lovin' it. More on that later.)
And now, pictures....

Harper's big present was a little people doll house. So cute. She also got her first baby stroller from her grandma and now she plays with her babies more than ever. Seriously cute.

Henry's big present was huge set of Thomas trains and a track. It was a hand-me-down from his big cousins and he looooves it. (and I love that is was free. :) Thanks, Erica!)

After our family Christmas we decided to head up to my parent's house early to beat the snow so left at bedtime Thursday. Of course the kids stayed awake the entire time. Crazy.
Friday we enjoyed a quiet house and got lots of things ready before the rest of my family came. 

We had a birthday party planned for Henry and he requested a Spider Man theme so I did these:

4. Can you believe he's turning 4?!

 Saturday we all waited for everyone else to arrive.
I caught my dad snoozing while cuddling with Harper.

More stockings Christmas morning, of course!

I had my friend Jessica make this dress for Harper with some vintage Christmas fabric I got at a garage sale this summer. Isn't it adorable?

 Henry was so excited by the time his cousins arrived, though you can't tell by the look on his face....

Me and the kiddos.

After presents and our big Christmas meal, we had Henry's birthday party for dessert. 
Oh, Henry. This picture is classic.

And a shot of all the cousins.

Sunday we headed straight east to celebrate with both sides of RJ's extended family. It was a lot of running around, but so much fun.
Here's our sweet little nephew, Simon.

And almost all of the 2nd cousins.

Henry and one of his favorite buddies, Asher.

It was great to see all of RJ's aunts, uncles, and cousins. He's got a great family.
Then back to our house with RJ's family.
The Charlton cousins, minus Simon.

Everyone stayed until Tuesday and we had a great time. Now we're just trying to catch up on things and get back to normal. It was a wonderful Christmas season this year. Lots of family and friends and reminders of all of God's blessings. What a joyous time!

Wow, aren't you all relieved now that you know everything we did for the last week?
Hope you all have a great week and a Happy New Year!


  1. What a fun-busy week! You did a fabulous job on those cookies, Mama! :) Happy birthday to your sweet boy. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! {lots of celebrations happinin'... and more reasons to eat dessert. ha.}

  2. How fun getting caught up on your Christmas! I love those cookies!! Awesome job! The pics of your kids on Christmas morning are adorable. Our "Christmas morning" was also on Thursday morning. Go figure. Can't wait to see you again soon!!

  3. YOU GOT A JUICER!?!?!?!? So excited for you (and a little itty bit jealous).
    Love all your cute Christmas pictures! Henry's birthday cookies are the coolest! What a fun week!
