Thursday, December 30, 2010


I heard from my friend Lacey (who lives in Nebraska) a couple of months ago who is opening a store of her  very own.
She's my age and going to own an artsy store.
Can we say d-r-e-a-m-y??

She asked if she could sell some of my things. 
Obvious answer: yes.

So, like I said, this was a couple of months ago, but I got very sidetracked with making Christmas gifts and getting into a whole new world of crafting that I never knew existed...and just this week got around to painting some things for Lacey and have been working like crazy.
Every single precious second of nap time and evenings have been spent working on some new pieces. I decided to incorporate all of my new obsessions lately:
fabric, flowers, mod podge, paint, wreaths, buttons, old frames, birds, and on and on. 

And here's what I came up with:

I'm constantly changing my "style", but this time I think I'm really on to something.
For one, I'm enjoying the whole process. A lot of times when I just paint, I have many moments during the project where I want to quit and forget it.  This gives me a chance to move from one medium to the next without getting too bored. Super fun.

I know. 2 posts in one day! But I really needed an excuse to sit down and take a break before I finish a few more, so here ya go.
Happy Thursday, everyone!


  1. These are beautiful! My favorite is the framed flower one (with the black and white flower) towards the end of the photos. I love all of them though! So cool!

  2. Everything looks really great. I LOVE the fabric flowers, and have even attempted some fabric flowers myself. This is a big step for my non craftsy/artsy self. Of course fabric is just delightful. Where in Nebraska is her store?

  3. Hmmm, now I actually can't remember if she's opening it in Valentine, NE or Mission SD. Probably kind of far from Lincoln??

    I'm pretty sure YOU need to open your own artsy store...and let me work for you!

  5. these are so fun! good work, abby :) and happy new year too!
