Thursday, January 20, 2011

Holly Bloom

My friend Lydia and I started crafting last fall and just can't stop and decided we would do some sort of Open House and we finally got the details worked out so I can share with you! 
We are calling little business "Holly Bloom"
Holly is in honor of Lydia's last name (with a twist),
and I contribute the word Bloom, thanks to my maiden name.
We're making gobs of hair pins to wear on your coat, hat, or shirt. Hair accessories for young and old alike, and some cutesy rings.

Lydia is whipping up a bunch of these owl pillows. I mean seriously, pure cuteness. 
The "owl family" pillow below gets to live at my house!

Below are some scarves I made (Lydia will also be making some) and a purse (hoping to make a ton more) and super funky tie headbands.
I figured out how to use my mother in law's sewing machine (finally!) and am busting things out. It's so much more fun than I could have ever imagined!
We'll also have skirts (fun!) smaller purses, and whatever else we come up with. These pictures are just a sampling of what we already have done and hope to get lots more made in the next couple of weeks.

We've had so much fun getting together and crafting. Our kids play beautifully together (usually....) and we get to chat and encourage each other about our greatest challenges, funniest moments, and inspire each other creatively.

Our little Open House will be on February 5th at Lydia's house in Des Moines. If you'd like more info and her address, please email me at:


  1. Cuteness!! I would love to know more open house info -- maybe I could finally meet you in person :) My email is frontporchlookingin(at)gmail(dot)com.

  2. I'm so glad you're finally doing an open house!! I can't wait to come and splurge on some handmade cuteness!

  3. so cute!!! I would love some info about the open house as well photoktrapp(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. please email me info! everything looks great!

  5. would love an excuse to come see you and your fun handmade goodness! please email me the info :)

  6. Brilliance! Oooo...I also got a little bit of friend jealousy, knowing how much bonding time you and Lydia have gotten together. Is that weird?

  7. *Love*It*All!! How fun! I wish I could stinkin sew! So glad you are able to do this with someone else. That must make a huge difference!

    Yes, It is the new buzz remote control! Henry is gonna love it! It's super fun and easy to use. Really durable...aka, boy friendly. My son is totally boy and this thing has already taken a beating. You are going to be so glad you bought it! We got ours on a huge deal with black friday or else he wouldn't even have one. It was beyond expensive!
