Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Slowly But Surely

Slowly, but surely, surely, surely, these kids are starting to become friends. 
For the few minutes it lasts, it brings me so much joy!

One thing that has helped is this little kitchen I got at Target 75% for $15.
I wanted her to have a super cute wooden kitchen and looked for a long time on Craigslist, but unfortunately nothing ever came up. Plus, I knew she wouldn't care and would love a kitchen no matter what it looked like.

They both love playing with it! It was going to be her birthday present, but why keep it in the basement for 2 months when they can play with it now?

Just short and sweet. Happy Tuesday!


  1. I think you picked the best two months for kitchen play! Your house looks so pretty in the background!

  2. That is such a cute kitchen. I had dreams once of a wooden kitchen too. Only to have Sean crush them when he saw the price :)So glad your kiddos are becoming friends. I am sure the older they get the more they will play together.
