Friday, February 4, 2011


Phew! I've missed blogging...just haven't had time to sit and do it. Our "Holly Bloom" show is tomorrow!! Woo hoo!
Emily made a super amazing banner for our etsy store:

We obviously have nothing listed yet (and it still might be a few weeks while we get some more things figured out) BUT, isn't it cute?!

So here's a bit of what we've been up to lately.
Sweet Harper girl is starting to really love her babies. About 30 seconds before I got this shot of her, she was laying on top of her babies. Isn't she a good mommy?

And here she is feeding her baby black beans and black olives.

In honor of being stuck inside a lot this week because of the good ol' snow, I was inspired by this friend to make some snowman pancakes.

And I've been making lots and lots of flowers still. I just can't stop!
Here are some of my new favorites:
little flower cluster pins

And I've made nine of these skirts:

And 6 bags:

We've got a crazy amount of stuff done for Saturday and then will be able to put all the leftovers up on Etsy. 

Anyways, here's to a fun Friday! 
Hopefully next week will bring more exciting posts and pictures.


  1. Your etsy header is so beautiful! When this goes big, can I come on staff as your shipping gal? :)
    See you tomorrow!!!
