Wednesday, April 20, 2011

After at least 10 trips to the store (and I am not exaggerating), we finally decided on the flooring:

It was really tricky because we have original wood floors in our living room and at first I felt like it had to match, and then realized it's okay if it doesn't match. (duh.)
I wanted real wood, but guess what? It's super expensive! Who knew?!
So we're going with a lovely dark laminate. Next to white cupboards. 

Floors being installed early next week (by my manly man)
Next weekend:
Cupboards! And then I'll be a painting fool until they're all nice and white.

I hope you've all had a lovely week despite the chilllll!


  1. LOVE the flooring you picked! You are going to have one beautiful kitchen! So excited for you!

  2. Oooh, I love that flooring too! Nice grain! And it'll look so beautiful next to your stark white cupboards! Can't wait to see it all in full play! :)

  3. I am jealous. Love love love white cupboards with wood looking floors. It is my dream. So glad you're doing it!

  4. I hope you are planning to have a big party once it is all done! Can't wait to see it. If you wouldn't have said that was laminate, I would never had known. Gorgeous!

  5. Ok, I know I'm way behind on this but OH MY LANDS! I love that flooring. In my dream, we have flooring that exact same color and white kitchen cabinets. If only I could do it without all the expense of buying the new flooring and the hard work of painting the cabinets ;) Those projects are definitely on my things-I'd-like-to-do-someday-if-I-ever-have-enough-time-and-money-and-energy-and-we-don't-outgrow-this-house-before-then list :) Please post pictures when yours is done so I can live vicariously through you until then :)
