Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Miss

Oh, my little Harper. 
You turned 2 on March 23rd.
I can not believe you are already 2!!

You bring us so much joy and we are so thankful for you.
You are an absolute goof ball.
You still don't talk a ton, but you say so much with your hilarious facial expressions. 
You just crack us up.

You are so beautiful, little girl. 
You are so sweet with your baby dolls, love to give hugs and kisses, love teasing your brother, and are as feisty as ever.

I pray you grow up and love Jesus with all your spunk-ness.

I pray you'll go easy on us.
I have a feeling you'll be a "life of the party" kind of gal, but you're our baby.
And your poor daddy is going to have a hard time letting his baby girl grow up.
(me too!)

You're just a sweet little thing and I thank God for you every day.

You are a joy.
We love you!!

Mommy and Daddy

(thanks for the photos, Alisa!!)


  1. Aw, Abby! Don't make me start crying! That was so sweet. Your little Harper is just adorable and your words were so heartfelt. I can't believe she's 2!! And those pics were stunning, Alisa! :)

  2. Oh! Little Harper I hope you appreciate all the love your parents have for you! Abby, she is so gorgeous! Love her hair and dress! Great pictures!

  3. Ah Harper Bloom...she's one loved little girl at our house! I'm glad she doesn't mind Carson's sporadic hugs! Her little spunky personality is just the best! I'm so glad God gave you that beautiful, sweet little girl!
