Monday, April 11, 2011


Today is so gorgeous and refreshing. We had a bit of a crazy week last week and we're relaxing before things get crazy again. It's just that time of year where we're all busy, right? 
I worked on a mural at church (not quite done) and the kiddos played and played and played in the 2s and 3s room and the nursery for 2 1/2 days. The first day went great but things went a little downhill from there. They were about to pull each other's hair out by Friday and I was about to pull my hair out listening to them almost pull each other's hair out. Oi. 
Considering they had been a bit cooped up, I tried to have a little fun today and used some inspiration from this blog (a friend introduced me to this and it is probably my el favorit-o blog). She does a Crafty Thursday segment and is always having her kids do a super fun project. So I stole her idea from last week and we read Henry's book from the library, Going to the Sea Park, and then made a big fish:

Isn't it....cute? Too bad I didn't get a picture of the kids coloring. It's always cute for the few minutes they are getting along.
So it made up for a tiny bit of their crazy week last week, but I've got a trip to the zoo in store this week to really let them have some fun...before they're stuck back inside the nursery, but hopefully for just 1 day this time!

Friday I left when RJ got home at 1 and headed up to see my bestie, Alisa to hang out and be there for her surprise baby shower. It sure was a surprise and I'm so glad I was able to make it even though it was just for a little bit because then I was off to Pella to our church's ladies retreat. And then, I had the lovely experience of hitting my very first deer. I had absolutely no idea where I was (other than I was somewhere in between P-Burg and Pella)  or even what road I was on (the directions I had were "turn right at the "T", then left, etc) (my kind of directions, by the way) and it was d-a-r-k.  I can't remember exactly, but it was a super hilly area and I think I had just come over a hill or something, but I do remember all of a sudden there a few deer were. I hit my brakes, but one of the deer thought it'd be best to run right towards me. Not her best choice, I'm sure. But thank the Lord (seriously) that the car was still drive-able. And thank the Lord (seriously) that He completely put the thought into my head literally about 10 minutes before it happened that if I see any deer (because the conditions just felt perfect for it) to just drive straight and do NOT swerve. Of course I was upset when it happened, but quickly calmed down and am so thankful for how it all turned out. One of those things that ended up not being a big deal, but one of those things that could have oh-so-quickly been a very big deal.

Poor little deer. Here's some evidence she left behind.

And in the mean time, my cute little car ain't lookin' so cute. 

But hey, it drives, we have insurance, I didn't get hurt, AND I was still able to make it to our ladies retreat and enjoy some great fellowship. And I am thankful!

Have a happy Monday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Abby, I am so sorry I didn't know about the deer accident! Glad you are okay!
    LOVE seeing the murals at church! That room just came alive! Thanks for all the time you've put into painting!!!
