Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life Lately

So much going on lately and so much to get done.
I feel a tad bit flustered.
Just like the rest of you moms out there, I'm sure!

Our kitchen. Yeah, haven't been able to do much with it while we wait for our counter tops. Why do they take 4 weeks to get?!

My brother and his wife welcomed a super sweet little boy into the world early Saturday morning. 
His name is David Aaron and he is seriously ca-ute. He has been diagnosed with Downs Syndrome, so please pray for their family as they adjust to his needs. God placed him into a very loving family with 3 older siblings who are going to love him like crazy. He'll be in the hospital for a couple more days, but he is doing great.
I can't wait to meet him!!!

Another friend had a baby boy on Monday and another friend is going to have a baby boy any day. Boys, boys, boys!!

I have found some great deals at garage sales so far. I'll post some photos. Someday.

Next Saturday is the last day of the Farrell's 10 week program. It went way fast. And I signed up to do it for a whole year after that. Huge commitment, but I'm excited. Even though I almost passed out today. The instructors have no mercy. None at all. (in a good way)

So that's life lately.
Hope your week has been wonderful!!


  1. So are you saying you had no love when painting my kids' bathroom? Because I feel the love every time I'm in there! ;) Really though, I completely understand... I'm losing the "love" for my pt job too..

    Glad to hear that David is doing well! We've been praying for that sweet little baby and his family! I think it's so great that he will have 3 older siblings to love all over him too!

    And kudos to you for finishing up your 10 weeks at Farrell's! And wowzers that you're committing to a year! You go, girl! ;)

  2. I'm in awe of your work and commitment to Farrell's too! It's so paying off--you look awesome! (You looked awesome before, it's toned awesome!)
    Can't wait to see some pics of your garage sale know, so I can be jealous. :)
    We're praying for Baby David, too! Glad he is doing so well!
