Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

What a lovely weekend!
RJ and I got a major date night on Friday to some of our favorite places. Kwong Tung for appetizers, Smokey Row for a friend's graduation open house, and then to Gusto Pizza to use a coupon. So yummy. Our kids even spent the night away that night so we didn't have to rush to get home. Just what I needed after such a long couple of weeks of sickness! Saturday I woke up bright and early for Farrell's and then headed to a garage sale where I scored 5 beautifully vintage dresses for $2 a piece. I'm a little obsessed with cute vintage dresses and my collection might be getting a little our of control. Just depends on who you ask.

My parents came down on Saturday afternoon and I went with them to a wedding of a family friend of ours. It was a beautiful wedding and so fun! 
Sunday I woke up to a few little presents for Mother's Day, church, Panera, and then to Lowe's to pick out flowers...along with every other mother in town. Man, that place was busy!
Thanks to my lovely mom for helping me. I've got no clue when it comes to flowers other than I think they're pretty. 

The kiddos can't pass by them without smelling them.

After naps we went down to the sculpture garden to take some pictures and play.

I have a "flat stanley" from my nephew Sam and had to take some pictures of him for a school project. We got some pretty fun ones!

And that's all for now. Hope you all have a great week!!


  1. Love your flowers! Love love the pictures of your kiddos! Seriously, they are so cute and photogenic!
    Your dress on Sunday was beautiful! Was it a vintage dress? Looked beautiful on you...Miss Slim and Trim! Way to go!

  2. You have such an eye for cute dresses! I need to learn how to find those. Or maybe I should just hire you to be my personal shopper. :) You looked so great on Sunday!

    Glad you finally got out and had a great date night! What a fun idea to go to all those different places! I just saw that our Fandango tickets expire in a few weeks, so I guess that means Chad and I will be FORCED to go on a date soon.

    And your front porch looks awesome too! Are you loving it?
