Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We had a fun week at my parent's house playing with all the Bloom cousins. We got to meet our newest, David, too! He is super, super, sweet and I can't wait to see him again.

The fun thing about going to my hometown is all the Swedish horses...they are everywhere. Little ones on the downtown businesses, people's houses, and a couple of very large ones too.

No trip is complete without some sort of mural:

The weather was kind of a bummer and it was cloudy and rainy everyday. Which meant lots of playing inside and lots of shopping at junky thrift stores (my favorite kind!!) in nearby towns. We came back Thursday night to a house that had COUNTERTOPS! Woo-Hoo! That was a long 6 weeks to wait. Here's a tiny sneak peek at our island. You can see a part of the green paint I started with, but it's not quite right so it's back to the paint store for me.

Here's a totally random picture of our new fish. One of them passed away while we were gone, but RJ replaced it by the time we got home. He also bought a ghost shrimp, which supposedly help keep gold fish bowls a little cleaner. Unfortunately, the little shrimp only lasted a day...when we woke up in the morning we found it next to the bowl on the counter. It had jumped out. Isn't that disgusting?!

This week my in-laws are in town so we all went to the zoo yesterday for Member Monday, which means FREE train rides! 
We also got to feed the giraffes:

And the birds:

We have loved having a zoo pass this year. *Hopefully* they do another groupon deal next year!

RJ has today off so we're working on the kitchen some more and heading out to the lake house this afternoon to spend more time with grandma and grandpa. Don't you just love summer?!
Hope you all have a lovely week!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Life Lately:
Making decorations for VBS.
A week of VBS.
Ice Cream. 

And now the kiddos and I are off to spend the week at my parent's house. 
When I get back, I'll have to introduce you to our newest family members:
Red Light, Green Light, and Yellow Light.
(they're fish)

Have a good week!

Monday, June 6, 2011

I love this time of year. Today is a bit too hot for me, but on days where it's lovely and in the 80s we'll meet daddy at the park for lunch. Usually on Wednesdays. And sometimes we'll get Happy Meals. Cuz it's fun. And super cheap on Wednesdays!

We also got our first watermelon of the season. Just cutting into it and smelling the beautiful scent brought so many summer-y memories. 

(those are still our old countertops...*hopefully* our new ones will finally come in this week!)

We also got to go to a little birthday party on Saturday and the kids got to wear their suits and splash around in the yard. They had so much fun! Can't wait to get our pool set up in the back yard.

And lastly, my stellar husband put up our shelving!! I still have some work to do on the top shelf to make it look right, but I'm really loving some exposed shelving. The other wall cupboards are staying up and you might notice they are tie-dyed white and cream. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll get to it.
Meg puts old globes on top of her cupboards in her kitchen and I'm very tempted to copy her. Maybe just one right on that top shelf. Wouldn't that be cute?

Crazy week. Gotta run. Have a good one!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

We celebrated out 8 YEAR anniversary on Tuesday.
8 years! I love my RJ so much and can't wait to spend the next 80+ years with him.
I love how God so perfectly fit us together. 
The kids and I walked to Dahl's that afternoon to buy some ingredients to make salmon tacos. They were so yummy that I'm making them again tonight. RJ walked in the door with flowers and another adorable set of measuring spoons to add to my little collection.
It was a simple day.
And I loved it.
AND I was able to cook-on-our-stove!! It's finally up and running and I've been using it like crazy! I'm trying to decide what will be the first thing that I bake. Ideas??

My 10 weeks at Farrell's is up on Saturday, but I tested last night because Saturday is going to be too crazy-busy of a day. 
And since I'm sure you're all dying to know my results, here they are!
(I posted on my FB acct that they are giving away 10 FREE admissions into the next 10 week cycle. Go for it!!! You'll love it. It's hard, but you'll love it.)
These numbers are the total lost since I started:
Chest: 3 5/8 inches
Waist: 5 inches
Arms: 1/2 inch...still seems like they're smaller, but must be because of my bulging biceps. ;)
Thighs: 2 1/4 inches
Hips: 5 1/4 inches

So a grand total of 16 5/8 inches of stuff off of my body!
I lost a total of 13.2 lbs.
(I have to say, it's so nice not really caring about what the stupid scale says and it feels good to be healthier and getting stronger.)
I was able to do 51 push-ups in a minute and 36 sit-ups. 
AND, what I am most excited about, is that I finished the whole mile without walking. Pretty sure I haven't run a whole mile without walking since High School. My first attempt I ran/walked it in 14:55 and last night I ran it in 10:08. Still not fast, but I felt really good.

My goal when I started this whole thing was to simply finish it. I had no idea what to expect so I'm pretty happy.
So that's all. Hopefully I'll post again about Farrell's results, but don't worry, it won't be for another full year! 

Update on my little nephew David...he is still in the NICU, but he is completely off oxygen and the feeding tube and now we are just waiting and praying for his bilirubin numbers to get below 10 and then he can go home! I know they are so ready to start their life as a family at HOME, so please pray for him! 

Have a lovely Thursday!!