Friday, July 29, 2011

Finally take the time to blog, but no pictures....I'll try and work on that. 
We've been hitting up the splash park a lot these last few weeks and the kids are loving it. We've also been playing tons of "Spiderman and Spidergirl". Henry IS Spiderman. Constantly.
Henry is also going to preschool this Fall. I've never been a huge preschool person and never planned on sending him, but we are all so excited about the decision. I think the transition to full day Kindergarten will go so much more smoothly to start off this way (and it's a nice transition for mamma too). He is SO excited to meet new friends and play and learn. He's probably the most social little human being I've ever known so it's probably going to be the most exciting thing he's ever done. I/him/we can't wait!

I'm getting wicked excited for our trip to Boston next week. Wa-hoo!!
We should probably be responsible and get a cheap hotel, but there's a bed and breakfast on an island that you have to take a ferry too....I mean really, we're probably not taking a trip like this again for a long time....right?? Maybe at least one night there?? Please, RJ?? :)

I signed up for Pitnerest and just as expected, I want to change my entire house because of it. I've been wanting to paint the trim in my house white the entire 6 years that we've lived here, but was constantly talking myself out of it. And now I'm very seriously considering doing it. I may lose a few friendships over this decision, but the thought of the amount of light and freshness it would bring to this house makes me kind of giddy. I'm so over dark. And I'm sure all you die hard natural woodwork people would eventually forgive me and love me again, right?! Right??!

I made some roman shades for our kitchen and once we get them hung up I'll post some pictures. Still have to get the floor trim up and a few small things, but then it will be entirely done. Phew.

Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful (and hot!) summer! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I'm sure I've told you all a bazillion times (because I'm so excited!) (not because I'm bragging) (really!) but RJ won a couple of free airline tickets a while back at his job to ANYWHERE-IN-THE-UNITED-STATES. I guess they were technically $12.50 a piece since he spent $25 on raffle tickets for a fundraiser they were doing, but still, they feel free.
The little kicker is that they are stand-by tickets so there's that chance we'll be stuck in an airport for longer than expected, but we're thinking (hoping) that flights to Boston via Milwaukee won't be too crowded.
It was hard to make the final decision, but have both wanted to rent a car and drive the coast of Maine for a long time and thought this was our best chance to do it. We watched some Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern on Netflix and it has made us giddy for all the yummy seafood and for the BEAUTY of the coastal towns and beaches. We'll just be going from a Thursday through Monday trip, but are making tentative plans to move there in a year of so.
(kind of)

Have any of you been there? Any suggestions?
Any souvenir requests?

Have a great Thursday!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bits and Pieces

We went to a parade (on the 3rd) for the 4th of July.

It was so funny to see their different personalities while they watched the parade and collected their candy.

Henry would wait patiently and wave. If there was some candy on the ground next to him I'd tell him he could pick it up and put it in his bag....but he already had that candy so didn't need more. (so not like his candy-lovin' momma!)

Then we let Harper get down and join in on the fun. She'd run out into the street to grab the candy. And the first piece she got, she opened and shoved in her mouth. Every piece of candy she'd open and shove in her mouth before we had a chance to stop her. I don't think the idea of eating his candy even crossed his mind until he saw his crazy sister in action.
I love how sweet he was being, but I'm sure the next parade we go to he'll be a little more ambitious....he's got to keep up with Harper!

On the 4th of July we went on a walk down to one of the new, super cool bridges. It was hot, but fun.

Harper wore a super pretty dress on Sunday, but would not let me get a picture. Sunday mornings can be so dramatic around here.

I did a couple of paintings for someone and earned myself some money to buy the supplies for the window treatments in our kitchen/dining room. 

Here's the fabric:

And here are the cabinets. I got a new green and don't plan on distressing anymore. I got some cute new glass knobs for the drawers and then we just used our old handles for the doors.

My favorite part about the island is having snacks and doing crafts.

Henry is quite the artist, huh?!

Here are some plates I've collected over the last few months for a collage above our buffet.

And this fuuuuuunky-licious clock I got at a garage sale. 
To paint or not to paint?

And a funky little bird and cute dishes (for 10 cents!) for my shelves.

And 16! tie headbands to send off to my friend's store in Nebraska.I hadn't had a chance to crafts in weeeeeks, so it was fun.

And those are some bits and pieces or life lately. We've had lots of fun playing at splash parks, riding bikes, and playing with friends. Oh, Happy Summer!

Have a good week!