Thursday, July 14, 2011


I'm sure I've told you all a bazillion times (because I'm so excited!) (not because I'm bragging) (really!) but RJ won a couple of free airline tickets a while back at his job to ANYWHERE-IN-THE-UNITED-STATES. I guess they were technically $12.50 a piece since he spent $25 on raffle tickets for a fundraiser they were doing, but still, they feel free.
The little kicker is that they are stand-by tickets so there's that chance we'll be stuck in an airport for longer than expected, but we're thinking (hoping) that flights to Boston via Milwaukee won't be too crowded.
It was hard to make the final decision, but have both wanted to rent a car and drive the coast of Maine for a long time and thought this was our best chance to do it. We watched some Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern on Netflix and it has made us giddy for all the yummy seafood and for the BEAUTY of the coastal towns and beaches. We'll just be going from a Thursday through Monday trip, but are making tentative plans to move there in a year of so.
(kind of)

Have any of you been there? Any suggestions?
Any souvenir requests?

Have a great Thursday!!


  1. Ah, I am SO excited for you! Obviously, I've been gone too long--I didn't know your exciting news! Cody and I took a marathon trip when we were first married and hit all the northeast states just so we could say we'd been there. It was quick but SO beautiful!!! We did drive the coast of Maine a little and it was like dreamy awesome. You will want to move there. Maybe you shouldn't go. ;) Cody's parents stayed at some awesome B&B by a cool lighthouse. I'll ask and get the details! SO excited for you and RJ!!! What a great trip!! Can you bring home some awesome seafood recipes?

  2. That will be so much fun!!! I have never been there. So take lots of notes and pictures. It is on my bucket list.

  3. That will be so much fun!!! I have never been there. So take lots of notes and pictures. It is on my bucket list.
