Friday, July 29, 2011

Finally take the time to blog, but no pictures....I'll try and work on that. 
We've been hitting up the splash park a lot these last few weeks and the kids are loving it. We've also been playing tons of "Spiderman and Spidergirl". Henry IS Spiderman. Constantly.
Henry is also going to preschool this Fall. I've never been a huge preschool person and never planned on sending him, but we are all so excited about the decision. I think the transition to full day Kindergarten will go so much more smoothly to start off this way (and it's a nice transition for mamma too). He is SO excited to meet new friends and play and learn. He's probably the most social little human being I've ever known so it's probably going to be the most exciting thing he's ever done. I/him/we can't wait!

I'm getting wicked excited for our trip to Boston next week. Wa-hoo!!
We should probably be responsible and get a cheap hotel, but there's a bed and breakfast on an island that you have to take a ferry too....I mean really, we're probably not taking a trip like this again for a long time....right?? Maybe at least one night there?? Please, RJ?? :)

I signed up for Pitnerest and just as expected, I want to change my entire house because of it. I've been wanting to paint the trim in my house white the entire 6 years that we've lived here, but was constantly talking myself out of it. And now I'm very seriously considering doing it. I may lose a few friendships over this decision, but the thought of the amount of light and freshness it would bring to this house makes me kind of giddy. I'm so over dark. And I'm sure all you die hard natural woodwork people would eventually forgive me and love me again, right?! Right??!

I made some roman shades for our kitchen and once we get them hung up I'll post some pictures. Still have to get the floor trim up and a few small things, but then it will be entirely done. Phew.

Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful (and hot!) summer! 


  1. I'm a jealous that your going on your trip! But also very excited for you! And I will let you borrow my air nailer to help with your trim so were friends again.....right?! :)

  2. White trim rocks. Plus, Meg did it. So you can do it too. (It's kinda like WWJD, but WWMD. And well, we know what Meg did.)
