Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Our kitchen is done! I just have a few touches left to do with the curtains and hang a couple of things up, but I'm calling it DONE. RJ put about 800 nails in last week (no joke) to get up all the floor boards, trim, quarter rounds, and trim, trim, trim. We've got a lot of trim work. And I love it! I got the job of priming and painting. We're a good team.
I'll post photos soon! I'm sure you are all dying with anticipation, right?! 

I'll at least leave you with some pictures of the kiddos. 
Henry talked me into buying Popsicles the other day and we've been enjoying them on the front steps. This August has been so awesome in the weather department!

My hours and hours (and years) of practicing braiding hair on my Barbie head have finally paid off. I can get Harper's hair into a french braid. One of the many (little) things I love about having a girl.

Then there's my boy. He has completely stopped napping and after a few rough weeks at first, he's doing great with it. He now just does "quiet time" either in his room or sometimes downstairs with me. One day he came down after his quiet time covered in marker:

He was pretty proud of himself and I have to admit I was a little proud too. He usually hates getting messy so this is a big step for him! 
And one of the many (little) things I love about having a boy? The nightly wrestle matches. After supper Henry has started cleaning up his toys without being asked, to make room for the nightly brawl. He's always the superhero (usually Spiderman) and RJ is always the bad guy. I sit on the side lines and save them from the bad guy and encourage Harper to get in on the action too. (and she usually does...and is pretty scary about how tough she can be) I love that she has a girly side but I really love that she has a tough side. Boys, watch out.

Hope you are all having a great week!


  1. I cannot WAIT to see your kitchen. Like everything else you put your hands on, it will be beautiful :) Love Henry's popsicle face! And the marker incident - as you know, had a similar incident...as annoying as it was to clean up, I didn't mind one bit. And I know EXACTLY what you mean about the wrestling matches. Happens here EVERY. DAY. There are different styles of wrestling; they have their own rules; their own wrestling language; and like you said - their own superhero personalities during wrestling. It is the only time of the day that it is all Daddy-Boy time. Mommy will never play wrestle - house rule...and I'm fine with just watching the silliness unfold.
    Oh, and my heart literally skipped a beat when I saw Harper's braid. Had such an "awwwwww, how sweet" moment. If God gives us boys with no sisters, I'll be A-OK with that, but I may just have to borrow sweet Harper every once in awhile :)

  2. Wow - sorry for the world's longest comment!

  3. You did a great job on Harper's braid. I used to practice a lot on you since you had the same pretty hair. Wait until you make her hang her head upside down over the arm of a chair so you can do some really cool braiding. I'm sure you remember that.... Can't wait to see your kitchen.

  4. Your kids are so stinkin' cute! I love the braid....that is such a fun moment when you can finally braid it! Gotta love the marker too! We all must be hitting that phase at once :)Can't wait to see the new kitchen! I'm sure it is beautiful.

  5. So happy for you and your new kitchen!!! Can't wait to see it!
    I seriously love Henry and Harper! They are so sweet! Harper's hair is beautiful! I may need to take braiding lessons someday! I can't braid well to save my life!

  6. I really hope you invite us over sometime to check out that amazing kitchen we have heard so much about! I think you need to teach me to braid, otherwise my girls are going to only have pigtails and pony tails. Loved Henry and his popsicle. Looked like he was attacking it. I have girls and know all about the wrestling matches. Only ours our David and Golith reinactments. Olivia and Emelyn are David killing Daddy over and over again with imaginary slingshots.
