Monday, August 15, 2011

We kind of had a bummer weekend with RJ being sick for most of it, but thankfully we still had some fun with the kids last week when we got back from our vacation and spent the day all together on it made the stuck-at-home weekend not so bad.
We had some Groupons to use up (seriously, what was life like before Groupon??) and started off with a walk to Great Harvest Bread Company.

The kids shared a yummy muffin and RJ and I got a cinnamon twist. Probably the best things ever created.

RJ and the kids did some racin'.

And then it was off to the zoo. (again...with our groupon zoo pass)
It was a beautiful day to go! I let the kids choose just one animal to feed each time we go since we go quite a bit. This time they chose the goats.

Then it was off to use another groupon at Flour downtown. They serve pizza by the slice. Pretty yummy!

We ate outside downtown. I love being outside downtown over the lunch hour for some people watching and the best part is that they all have to go back to work...but I don't have to. :)

The kids walked through the water on the way to the library.

We checked out some books and headed home for naps.
It was such a fun family day!

We also got to see Alisa and her 3 handsome boys and eat ice cream at Smokey Row.

And got the official call that Henry made it off the waiting list and into preschool! So he and I went over to take a little tour and pick up some paper work. He's going to a preschool at a church, but it works with the public schools so it is FREE. If we would have had to pay we wouldn't have done preschool, but I'm thankful for how it is going to work out. He'll go M-Th for a few hours in the morning. When we were talking the tour I actually got a little choked up...but now we're just excited. He doesn't start until Sept 6th so we've still got lots of time to party!

Here he is in front on the doors. It's a beautiful church!

We had a super fun week and are ready for another one. 
Hope you all have a great Monday!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun family day! I live that pic of Henry in front of his preschool doors. He looks so excited to start! I'm sure he's gonna love it!
