Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Catch up

Back up a couple of weekends when I went up to Northwest Iowa for my craft show. The night before I painted a mural and delivered a painting for a gal my mom works with who is having her first baby:

I haven't done a mural for a while so it was a lot of fun.

Bright and early the next morning was the craft show. Here is my table that was JAM packed full of stuff. I went a little overboard....couldn't help myself. My mom helped me and we got to play with my nephew David for most of the day. It was great and I sold a ton of stuff!

Then it was time for RJ's birthday and time for my yearly chocolate cake. This year's was a winner. I used my usual chocolate cake recipe. (trust me, it's the best) And my new favorite buttercream frosting. (really trust me on this one, it's the best thing I've ever eaten!)
I made a two layer cake and put chocolate chips in the middle....and then forgot to take a picture of the final product, but just trust me. It's yummy!!!

We had a fun date night on Saturday celebrating RJ's birthday.
He's simply the best.

So you live close to a Dollar Tree? I don't. And I have to say I am kind of glad because I would probably spend all my dollars there all the time. This little project came with paint and 2 Toy Story pictures. A good hour of project time for a buck? You bet!

We are hosting Thanksgiving this year and I can not wait! I think I saw an idea similar to this on Pinterest (of course) but grabbed a few branches from outside and spray painted them white and put them in a vase. Then cut out leaves from construction paper and old book pages to get this cute lil' thing:

Then on the leaves we can write things we are thankful for. Of course this one by Henry is my favorite.

Here's to a thankful Thanksgiving 2011!


  1. Love it all! That fruits of the spirit pear is a beaut!!!!! You are so creative!

  2. your mural is so beautiful, abby! i love the colors...and you are so very talented! :) have a very happy thanksgiving.

  3. I love your blog! :) I became a follower! :) Erin

  4. Sorry I'm so late in reading this! I love the mural and the painting and all your adorable crafts! The thankful tree is awesome. Henry's drawing is priceless. And I hope I'm one of those "friends" you're thankful for. ;)
