Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Maybe it's because I adore my friend, Alisa. (the photographer)
And maybe it's because I adore my little family. (love them)

But I'm pretty positive these are the best photos. 
Like, ever.

I would post all 94 of them just so you could see every single possible face Harper made that day, but I'll hold back a bit. She was kind of a stinker that day, but Alisa still managed to get some beautiful shots of both kids!

This family one is my absolute favorite.

No, this one is my absolute favorite. We probably won't be getting family photos done again for a few years. And we certainly won't be wearing clothes this matchy again for a long time. So I really wanted a family portrait to be more of a piece of art. Something that would last years and not look dated. 
Enter: this photo below:
Alisa, you did it perfectly.

This one will make me cry in a few years.
Or maybe it already does.

I love this. I love how Henry has his eyes covered and Harper is all curled up.
And then there's my RJ.

My boy!

Sweet, baby girl.



And sweet.

Thanks, Alisa. They are a treasure!


  1. Fine. I'll take your photos any time you want (when you write as flattering posts as this! You know I love me some words of affirmation!). Then again, I know RJ wouldn't exactly be up for photos once a month. :) It was so fun. And the weather was perfect. And the lighting was kind to us. And the subjects were some of my faves.

  2. BEAUTIFUL! I wouldn't be able to pick my favorite either!

  3. Wowzers!!! Those are incredible! You're right about them being a work of art. I love ALL of them! How are you going to find enough room on your walls to hang every single one of these?! I mean, they all deserve to be at *least* a 16x20 print! :) Great job, Alisa!!!

  4. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. So beautiful! Michaels has value packs of canvas on sale--you better stock up with all these awesome pictures ready to adorn your home! :)
    LOVE your outfits and all the great poses!!!

  5. Your pictures are AMAZING!! Love them! What a beautiful family you have.

  6. These photos are absolutely amazing. I'm speechless. Wow!!!

    Jess :)
