Tuesday, January 3, 2012

 Christmas 2011 was great.
We did a few crafts:

Opened a few presents:

I even got some super fun gifts...all from the East Village.
RJ is goooood.

I especially love this Des Moines print!!!

I got RJ a donut maker so we put it to work right away.

For our family Christmas meal I made homemade baguettes. They need some more practice, but were pretty yummy!

And a roast with olives and tomatoes:

Aaannnnd mashed potaters and roasted carrots:

It was a delightful weekend just the 4 of us! We saw RJ's family the weekend before and then my family for New Year's. I didn't really take any pictures, but did get this super sweet one of my nephew David. Isn't he squeezable?!

Now we're getting-ready-for-a-birthday mode. (I can't believe he is going to be FIVE)

Have a great week!


  1. all of your presents look great! i love that r.j. shopped locally. and....the meal looks delicious. :)

  2. Your nephew is adorable!! Henry should not be five, that doesn't seem possible. He is still cute as ever.

  3. How did I miss this post? Looks like your Christmas was super duper fun! Your dinner looked scrumptious... homemade baguettes? Seriously? That's awesome! And Henry's party was fantastic too! Of course, you would pull off an awesome artsy party like that! :)
