Thursday, January 5, 2012

Henry got to invite a few friends over for a little party for his birthday. I wasn't ready for a school-friends party yet...having a boy who has a birthday in the winter = indoor party with lots of boys = that's just not gonna work out quite yet. So I convinced him that it would be much more fun to just invite a few friends over instead and he was super excited.   I made little canvases for our guests (you can buy a 10-pack of 8x10 canves at Michael's for $20 and I used a 50% off coupon. It's a cheap way to have lots of fun!)

Millie and Ruby were the 2 girls he chose to invite. He wants to marry both of them and I'm hopeful that he actually will get to marry either one of them.

But of course the painting only took about 15 minutes and I didn't have much else planned, but found a Bingo game I had bought at Target a long time ago and the kids loved it. It was so adorable how quietly they sat  and played.

Of course he got lots of fun presents too. He's got toys to keep him entertained for a long time and got a ton of crafts projects to keep us busy for a long time too!

Life feels back to normal now except for the fact that I have a 5 YEAR old. I can not believe he is already 5! His personality stretches good and bad ways....but I love that about him. When I see how particular he is about the rules and how particular he is about everything and how intense he is and how loving he is and how sensitive he is and how absolutely crazy he is, I know it's the kind of traits that will make him into a fantastic young man. I pray that he will be a great leader someday.  I pray that he will also learn to relax a bit and not sweat the small stuff so much. :) He certainly did not get any "laid back"ness from his dad and I. 

Henry Dean, I love you so much! You are simply my favorite little man of all time.
I am so thankful that God created you so uniquely and surprised us so much with your personality. Now promise me your days of being a major momma's boy are not even close to being over. Promise you will want me to cuddle with you at bedtime and and be over the moon excited every single time you see me. Okay? Okay.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun party! So cute and original....of course. Looks like he had a blast and created lots of fun memories with his little friends. Hard to believe our BABIES are old enough to have friends now ;)
