Thursday, January 5, 2012

DIY Plate Stand

I saw this on Pinterest a while ago and have had it in my mind to do it with some of the many dishes I had collected for the plate collage I wanted to do yet changed my mind.

So I took these 3 goodies...aren't they beautiful plates?!

The best place to get plates is either at garage sale (can't wait for spring!) or a nicer thrift store. The top two I got in the basement of "Found Things" in the East Village and pretty sure they were $2 and $3 dollars. The bottom one I got at a garage sale. I've looked at Goodwill and as much as I love that place, they very very rarely have cool plates. They mostly have plates with little teddy bears and ducks and hearts.

Then you can either use little candle stick holders like this one up front (I got that one at Hobby Lobby for $2.99) and the other 3 things I already had at home. This is the part of the project that Goodwill would be perfect for but I just couldn't find any when I went. I'm sure there will be lots of little goodies like these at garage sales too!

I asked a gal at Hobby Lobby what type of glue to use and she suggested this. The overall piece seems pretty sturdy but I'm still very careful with it.

I tested it out with the little white vases first and I loved it, but it made it too tall.

But this combo I absolutely looooved:

The trickiest part is getting everything centered, otherwise it is super easy and super smelly. Once you have it glued get it out in your garage or super sensitive nose was going crazy.

This is one I made for sister-in-law for Christmas and I added a little drawer pull on the top which added a touch of funk to it and you can usually find them on sale at Hobby Lobby at some time during the month.

So there's a little DIY for your Thursday! Now go through your cupboards and pull out some pretty plates and get busy!

Linking up to Kammy's Korner Trash 2 Treasures Tuesday's!!!


  1. Awesome! I love the plates you chose! And seriously, I don't know what life was like before E-6000. It has almost replaced hot glue at this house.

  2. Love! Now I've got to go buy that glue!
    *Cloe just started a tumbling class next to Goodwill! I'm excited to rifle through there weekly. You are spot on with the hearts, bears, and ducks dishes!

  3. ooooo I love your plate choices!!! See you tonight at Trash 2 Treasure?? :)
