Monday, March 29, 2010

A Birthday and a Room Makeover

I can't believe I was allowed to upload this many photos into one post. Just to warn you....
We had a great weekend! We headed up to Storm Lake on Saturday morning to King's Pointe and met my parents and my siblings and all the cousins. We started off in the water park, of course!

It was a pretty cool place...just wish it had been a little warmer so we could have played in their super cool playground outside. I was able to go for a walk/run on the trail along the lake. It was freezing, but refreshing, yet painful.
Next came the party! My brother's little girl is 3 1/2 months older than Harper and it was impossible to get a picture of them together.
But we sure tried.
Okay, so as much as a try to be a good party-giver, I'm just not. I cut out letters for Harper's name in the car on the way there and totally forgot how to spell her name.
Classy, huh?
Then I decorated her cake in the room and it started falling apart and was a mess.
I was able to salvage it though, and she certainly didn't care!

Henry picked out this tea set for her and he has loved playing with it ever since.

Harper really enjoyed the cake. She would take a bite, go play, take another bite, play some more. She didn't make a big mess, but had fun.

So it was a great time with our family. We ate lunch with everyone on Sunday and then headed back home. I think we're all caught up on sleep and ready for a really busy and fun week.

Now, I'm finally ready to reveal our bedroom makeover!
First up is the headboard. We've never really had a headboard and it was first on my wish list. I already had both of these frames. The larger one "came with the house" and I painted it green. The smaller one was from a garage sale a few years ago that I never used.
Total Cost = $1?

I've also always had a (very silly, completely unimportant) dream to have matching bedside lamps. I found these lamps on Craigslist for $2.50 a piece and I painted the bases. I found the shelves at Target and painted them white and glued some textured wallpaper to the top.

Total cost of lamps and shelves = $13

I took this mirror from downstairs and repainted it white. I got the little wreath at Hobby Lobby, and I already had the birds from an after Christmas clearance sale a few years ago.

Total cost = $3

The Look

We also switched around some rugs and put this one in our room.

I got matching bedside baskets for $3.50 at Target in the after Valentine's Day clearance and just took out the red lining.
p.s. you should totally sleep with a maglight next to your bed.

I like having a tv in our room because our little boy likes to wake up around 6:30 or so. I'm probably lazy, but I'm just not ready to start my day yet. So we put the little tv in the corner so he'd have a place to
 watch George.
Probably would make me a bad mom in some books and a genious mom in others.
(No, I have no idea why there are so many cords!)

And because I can't stand things that get too matchy, we had to keep the sweet orange chair in the room.

I'm not sure about the ribbon holding up the decorations, but I'm giving it a try for a bit.
The curtains were on sale at Target and all the decorations were from garage sales or things we already had and I just repainted them.
Cost of curtains and decor = $20

So there you go. 
It's fun to finally have a bedroom that is decorated.
 If I had an unlimited amount of money to completely redo my room it'd probably look totally different, but what's the fun in that?
(or so I tell myself...) 


  1. What a fun birthday trip! That water playground looks awesome.

    And I totally sleep with a maglite -- bright metallic blue -- next to my bed. Doesn't everyone?!

    Love your design work! I'm so jealous of your creative juices!

  2. Glad you had a great weekend! Looks like a ton of fun.

    Awesome bedroom! I love the paint job, the bed, headboard, lamps, mirrors - ALL of it! We have the same TV in our room and it is a lifesaver for mornings when I'm trying to get ready after the kids are up. So I vote for "genius mom" on that one. :)

    Oh, and I've been meaning to tell you - I have Harper's sippy cup...

  3. What a fun place up there in the NW! Glad you had a good time!

    I think your bedroom looks so beautiful and relaxing! Good job with the makeover! You are such a natural at decorating!

  4. ooh the waterpark looks like so much fun!

    and i cant believe how amazing you are at finding awesome deals! your room looks great!

    and we have a tv in our room for "emergencies" like wanting to sleep in! haha

  5. Peter are the most creative girl! Love your bedroom!

  6. Love your bedroom! My favorite is the headboard - love it! And, by the way, Kaeden gets up really early in the mornings too and we just turn on the tv for him as well (in our bedroom). works like a dream!! i felt guilty about it for awhile but got over it ;). hehe.

  7. Wow - that bedroom is amazing. You have such a gift for making beautiful things so creatively. Your cost was next to nothing and you created something that would be featured in BH& need your own TV show!
    Harper's party looked so special. She just seemed so happy! Super job Mommy! Birthday parties "on location" are NOT easy :-)

  8. I like it! Happy Birthday!

    We have a new surprise you should come check it out :)
