Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spray Paint

I almost forgot how lovely spray painting can be. I'm usually more likely to paint things, but spray paint goes on so much smoother and with no streaks and it's fun! Aren't these lovely? All different sized glass jars painted bright, springy colors for our Easter breakfast at church. (this was all one of my very creative friend's idea and I'm helping her because she's in AFRICA right now)

I kind of want to keep them all for myself.

And of course nothing is complete without polka dots.
Hello, Spring!
This was a project that was so much more fun than I thought it would be. Plus, being outside on such a lovely day during nap time was wonderful.

Have a great Thursday, April Fool's Day, and birthday, Mom! :)


  1. Oh those are sooo cute! I'll have to take a peak at things all set up on Sunday! We usually have to miss the food and fun...practice schmatice!

  2. what a great idea! amy always has great ideas like that...those look great!

  3. Super cute! You're on a roll! And SO busy....

  4. Those are so fun! Great work! Totally puts me in the mood to go spray paint crazy!!!
