Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter is quickly becoming my favorite holiday.
We had such a lovely weekend. The kids
enjoyed a fun Easter egg hunt on Saturday at our church. A little chilly, but beautiful. Sunday morning was an amazing service at our church. We had a packed house, 4 baptisms and some awesome worship.
 I just love our church!
We also had some lovely friends over afterwards for a lovely Easter meal.
It was just a lovely day!

Unfortunately, no pictures of the kiddos in their Easter attire. RJ was at church early for practice so things were hectic for me, but I made it on time! (for once)
Some pics from the weekend:

I just couldn't resist this outfit.
Probably the last year I'll be able to get away with something like this. Look at all those ruffles!
I love me some ruffles.

Have a great week!


  1. Harper was unbelievably cute at the Easter Egg hunt on Saturday. Such a doll. Ryan's been asking to have Henry over again. "Henry the boy, not the train." We'll do it again sometime when you don't have to focus on working and can just enjoy yourself :-)

  2. Oh my goodness - Harper looked ADORABLE Saturday! Cutest little bunny I've ever seen. :) I didn't see the kids at church yesterday, but I'm sure they were adorable.

  3. Yep, I agree with Liz & Katie...Harper is adorably cute!
    I did pray for you quick on Sunday when we got there at 7 and RJ was already up at the computer! I knew that meant extra work for you, too! We really appreciate the sacrifice your whole family makes so we can have words and video (& more techy stuff!).

  4. LOVE IT!! Those pretty green polka dots and pink ruffles... and those eyes!! How precious!

