Friday, September 10, 2010

A little Craft for your weekeeeeend

Aren't you just in the mood to do crafty things right now? I am!!
I've gotten together with one of my craft-like-mindedness friends and whipped out some beautiful creations.
All thanks to this blog.
(thanks to this gal for leading me there!)
*both project tutorials can be found on the sidebar of Jones Design blog.*

Project #1:
They are unbelievably easy, cheap, and cute. I put a couple of teeny flowers I made on some scrap fabric and made a cute bow. Harper loves it.

They get kind of addicting to make:

But aren't they fun?!

Project #2
I am in love with this.
Still easy, but takes awhile (about 3 hours). So worth the time.

When I started I was bummed with my choice in paper, but then added a different paper in the middle layers and love how it turned out.

I think it will go in my porch, but I was just to excited about how it turned out to wait to show you.

So, if you've got some spare time, do some of these! I just bought an 1/8 of a yard for all my material so it was under $1 per color and then bought broach pins to hot-glue on.
The wreath I bought at Michael's with a 40% off coupon so it ended up being about $5. I got the next to the largest size and didn't take in to account how huge it would be with all the paper on it. I love it, but could easily do a lot smaller of one (and plan on it!).
I already had the old books, but you could always find some at Goodwill, I'm sure!

And now some shots of the kids. 
Harper's new "cheese" face.

Henry wanted in on the action too. He's trying to eat his macaroni and cheese. I had kind of given up on ever making it, because it is absolutely painful to get him to eat it. It was on sale today though so thought I'd try again, especially since Harper loves it.  Seriously, what kind of kid doesn't like macaroni and cheese? I suppose the same kind of kid who hates peanut butter.
Oh well.
No macaroni and cheese for us.

It's been a good day. Time with the kids. A couple of fun garage sales and Target. And I'm going to make some chili and pumpkin pie, and finish my night with some painting projects. Good stuff. 
Happy Weekend everyone!


  1. Fun, fun, fun! Your flowers turned out beautifully! I'm lucky to be sis-in-law's with your other crafty friend, so my girls got to benefit from these creations too! :) I love that wreath idea too! Very cool.

  2. Cute crafty projects! Love the wreath!

  3. Ok much do I love that wreath? I want to make one for my door rightthisverysecond. Except I'm afraid I have a few other projects I should probably finish first {like...uh...a baby room} I'll just have to file them away for some snowy winter day. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Loooove these projects! I'm feeling confident about the wreath...can't figure out the flowers, but they're adorable!!!
    Harper = Miss Personality!
    Henry = Too stinkin' cute. I love talking with him! He's got good stories!
