Monday, September 13, 2010


I am so thankful we had such a lovely weekend...especially after last weekend not turning out so well.
A majority of it was lovely!
We got some things done, like a porch clean-out, organized my craft station (photos later!) and organized some kitchen cupboards. 
We also had a lot of fun, like taking a couple of walks, some sweet garage sales, chili!, Caribou for 1/2 price drinks, lots of playing outside, and lots of relaxin'. 
The weather was so gorgeous, don't ya think? One of those *perfect* days. I loved it!

I got my wreath hung up in my porch and am now convinced I need one in every room of the house.

My mom did a great job of recovering our little couch, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not a shade of blue or gray.
I had bought the fabric really cheap years ago at a garage sale and it's just never been my favorite. Why did I buy it in the first place? Well, it was $2 for the whole thing!

Hope you all have a great Monday and feel rested to start a new week!


  1. I would like to come and relax on that cozy porch! It looks great!

  2. Your porch looks fab! The wreath totally completes it. And did you make those adorable birdy pillows? Of course you did. Why do I even ask. ;)
