Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy 2 Months!

Little, Miss Harper. Happy 2 Months! Though it feels like you've been around for much longer.

You are pure sweetness. Your personality is funny. You can be content for an hour looking around and smiling and then out of nowhere, you get mad. Real mad. It's only because you're either tired or hungry, but it's just kind kind of funny. They told me in the hospital that you had a temper. I think they may have been right......but I love it.

I love watching you smile at your brother. I also loooove seeing your daddy hold his little girl. Those are precious moments.

We had your appt on Friday and you're 90% for length and 75% for weight. Do you know your brother has yet to make it above 15% for his weight?! But you're both tall so far. Kind of like your mom and dad, I guess.

I love all the little things. Like pink bows and ribbons. Tying your little ballet shoes for church this morning. Your sweet, girly coo.

I pray for both you and your brother and am so beyond thankful to God for you both. I'm a blessed momma. And maybe a little proud too. :)

I have an irresistible urge to call you peanut.

I love you, baby girl.

Oh, I love having 2 children.

Pictures sometime this week. I promise, Grandma!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh, the funny things you do....

You have to have the "pizza" side of the quilt against you. Meaning the side of the quilt with the triangle (pizza) pattern.

You have to have your George and lion sitting side by side in your bed. George must be holding your sippy cup in his lap. We must not forget this.

You must buckle every single thing there is to buckle in this house, but have yet to master unbuckling. That is where I come in.

When you give us kisses, you have to kiss both sides of our cheeks and then we rub noses.
Every time.

When you give us hugs, you have to hug one shoulder and then the other.
Every time.

Your new favorite phrases: "What are you doing?" "What's this?" What's that?"
Over and over.

I heard you use the word, "actually" a couple of times today. And every sentence ends in, "okay?" or, "right?".

We had a rough morning trying to correct some things I let slip way tooooo long. Thanks for getting through it and having a good rest of the day. Mommy is going to try and be a lot more consistent from now on and I'm sorry that I haven't been so good at that lately.

Thanks for letting me read books to you for about 2 hours today. Literally.

I love you, little Henry.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


I love to garage sale. Love it! I used to search for things for our home, but now it's all about the kids clothes. Henry is set for this summer and next winter because I was able to find great end of the season clearance clothes last year, but I didn't do that for Harper because I wanted to wait and see how big she was. This means she needs some winter things and I've been on an unsuccessful mission...until today! So, here's the deal. I sold this travel bed on Craigslist for $30 ( I got it at a garage sale last year for $2.50-and decided we don't need it.)

And in exchange got ALL these clothes at 2 different garage sales today!

If you can't quite make out the awesome-ness, let me break it down for you:
1 skirt
9 dresses
2 onsies
3 jackets
7 pants
3 sweaters
6 footed pjs
9 tops
1 pr of shoes
1 baby doll
1 BRAND NEW box of diapers (only $3!)
All for $30!
One of the sales had most everything for .25 or .50 cents. The kind where you almost felt bad for getting things so cheap, but she said she just wanted to get rid of it. Okay! I can help with that. The other was half off today, so whole outfits were only $1.50. There are some Target brand things, but most is Baby Gap, Gymboree, Carters, or Old Navy. It's also all in hardly used condition. Sweetness!
Probably half is for 18-24, but the rest will hopefully work for this fall/winter/next spring. Now with this and a few other sales I've hit this year, I think we're ready.
Harper was so excited that she.....
Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Picture Time....

We've been eating supper every evening on our deck. Henry is sitting at my best garage sale find so far this summer. There's another chair too, and it was only $5. Sweet!
We walked to our favorite park on Mother's Day and were the only ones there. It's the best park around!
3 of my favorite people going down the slide.
After bath time
Big smiles
Loves the swing!
Hope you're all having a great Tuesday! We had a rough night here last night, but we're ALL about to take a nap. Hopefully it helps.......

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Winner!

With a little help from, Laci is the winner!

Laci and I met our freshman year at Central College when we both joined the same singing group. Then for our Junior and Senior years, we lived on the same floor in good ol' Nanes. She has a 3 year old named Jackson and then had baby boy TWINS this past fall. Email me and we can figure out what to do with your alphabet painting. Congrats! This will be a fun project. And don't worry. I'll do another giveaway someday....especially since it makes you all leave such nice comments about me. :)

We had a lovely Mother's Day here. Very relaxed morning with breakfast and presents in bed. I got to sneak away to run some errands while Harper took a bottle. Yes, she takes a bottle! After naps we went on a nice walk to our favorite park and now the kids are getting to bed and RJ and I are going to relax the rest of the night. Excellent. What a fun last few days! We went to Tulip Time on Thursday and then I did a garage sale with my friend on Friday and Saturday and made way more money than I was expecting. Woo HOo!

Hope all you moms had a great Mother's Day as well!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Henry and Harper's 1st Giveaway!

Henry and Harper would like to invite you to participate in their first ever Giveaway! Here's how it works....just comment on my blog and I'll pick a winner at random. You have until the end of the day Sunday to enter. Even if you've never commented on my blog before, please don't hesitate to do so now. The winner will be able to customize their painting to match their child's room, or it could make a really great gift too.
Here are just a few examples. I have done so many of these and no two have been alike.

Good luck! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This is a good day.

I woke up to the news that RJ was going to take the day off. Woo-Hoo! But he insisted I not get too excited because he was doing it to get a lot of work done around the house. Woo-Hoo still! He is an amazing man. I'm sure I've confessed before, but I'm not the best at keeping the house in tip top shape. Or even close to it. So the kids and I went to Bible study this morning and got home to a spotless upstairs and a mowed lawn, and it wasn't even noon yet. I love it, but it also makes me feel like a horrible wife. I always envision everyone else's husbands coming home to a spotless home and a meal on the table. Someday, this will be true in our household. I'm working on it!

Harper and I won our first blogger giveaway. We are so excited! She's getting a pair of adorable baby legs from a sweet little Miss Callie. So it's inspired me to do my very first giveaway as well! Stay tuned for the details, but you can safely guess it will be something painted.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

We knew the slope in our drive way would one day bring great enjoyment to our children.

(not sure what's up with the sound. These are just cell phone videos)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We had a lovely weekend.

Harper and I went to a ladies retreat for most of the day on Saturday. It was a great and refreshing time with my church girlfriends. While we were there, RJ and Henry and his cousin Jude went to the circus and apparently had a great time as well. I really wish I could have gone too, but I'm so glad they got some good boy time alone. After the circus they went to George the Chili King for a hot dog. It really couldn't have gotten any better for that little boy. The next morning Henry woke up saying, "Daddy! Where ARE you?" So it was a great couple of days. The kids were in good moods. We all got in some good naps. I also hit a couple of good garage sales. :)

And it all makes me feel ready to start a new week.

My baby girl looked so sweet today.
My little peanut.
Mommy: "Henry, lean in closer to Harper."
Henry: "No, I lean this way."
Gotta love it.